
Body scars

Everything started when he was riding a bike and collapsed on the floor. Funny story because his friends, same age, around 6 years old, ran away screaming, looking for help, and the injuried and bleeding kid was left alone on the floor. Can you believe in a such bizarre situation?!?! The outcome of that was the kid hitchhiking on the street. Fortunately, he quickly got a lift to a 10 minutes distance hospital. The scar is a little bit under his waist. His next scar happened when he was 21 years old in a car accident. Two crossing cars. One of them had to stop but... Bang! The car was upside down and he had half body unconscious outside the car. After that, one week in the hospital in the observation room. Where is the remarkable scar? Just the left clavicula broken... Then, by 29 years old when he fell off the stairs. He went to the emergency at the hospital, showed his health insurance policy number and asked for assistance. So, another scar on the chin. At 32, he breaks his finger when falling down in a snowy day. All these marks and scars are nothing because many others will come! People say they make you weaker or stronger. Anyway, you have to remember that every, but every body has a different history and social background. Sometimes, it seems a reality apart from your own. And everyone has own scars, who hasn't... However, there are two different marks or scars: body scars or life scars. Do you know the difference? Life scars are imaterials, intagibles. Marks that will psychologically shock you. And even worse because you are the only one who can notice and feel them. Body scars bring both at the same time: the history and the "karma". But at the same time they are your "life" marks because can also remind you how strong you were and are. The body speaks. Try to listen to it...

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Cassandra: tradutora que trabalha para importante editora especializada em livros de biografia e historia. Ela e' o tipo de pessoa que nao consegue se encaixar numa vida social normal; encontra, muitas vezes, no isolamente, sua fulga, e nos livros seu refugio.

Cassandra: a translator who works for an important publisher specialized in biography and history books. She is the kind of person who cannot fit in a normal social life; she finds, most of the times, in self-confinement,
her scape, and in books, her refuge.

Napo: ex-filho de militar e roteirista de cinema cuja vida foi acabada pelo alcool e drogas. Esta' em constante conflito interno consigo mesmo: perturbado, afetado. Atualmente, vive de pensao do sindicato.

Napo: ex-military-kid and film screenwriter whose life was ruined by alcohol and drugs. He seems to be always in a long-lasting and permanent state of self-conflict. Nowadays, he lives from the Union's financial support.

Garcia: cobrador de onibus e membro ativo do partido comunista. Possui ampla biblioteca particular sobre o tema, tornando-se inclusive referencia partidaria. As vezes, seu fanatismo torna-se tao paradoxo que passa a ser ate' mesmo romantico.

Garcia: bus driver and member of the communist party. He became a political reference in the party due to the large collection of books in his private library. Such a fanatic with paradoxical ideas that sometimes he is called "The Romantic".

Franz: editor de guia artistico-cultural. Participa de projetos pelo mundo afora, geralmente patrocinado por ONG's para atualizar e trocar experiencias. Seu constante desafio e' nao deixar transparecer sua falta de sentimento "nacionalista".