
A "trip" to MoMa

Napo set up a meeting with the Brazilian artist Bispo do Rosario at MoMa in New York City. He needed a first class "ciccerone" for his visit. But there was also an important purification ritual to be done before the great encounter. The "Bispo-purification" how Napo used to call it: all you could have for food during your meals was "milk", nothing else for one week. This was exactly how the artist did when he was in a mental institution, and told his disciples to do so. Napo had to follow the ammendment from the master. The other part was easy: an LSD. Bispo would be waiting for him at the front door at 1pm. Napo gets there so excited that... He actually wanders through the corridors and galleries, staring at each collection, so concentrated that he enters into the "acid dimension" immediatly. That would last for the next 8 hours. Swimming in the air, walking on the water, anything is possible? Actually not. But every sensation is. And that was his trip all about. Mouth wide open, people looking at that guy, staring at paintings, so concentrated? Is he a critic? He is tripping! Napo, where are you? Time to land... Yes, you need to drink some water. Alright, walk around, breath. Someone takes a picture of him! Why? Does he look that crazy? Maybe yes. His face's wrinkles were contracting in such a way that it seemed he wanted to say something but words wouldn't come out from his mouth. Where is Bispo???? Alright, get out of here. Napo got out of the museum and started walking into the subway station, but he got into the Rockefeller Center. So many lights that made him run away. It was too many spotlights in someone's trip already. No, he couldn't take the subway. He couldn't take control over his body anymore, he thought. After that, he didn't think twice, he just ran, scared. He saw a cab on 5th Avenue and jumped in it: "Please, take me to Lower East Side." Grabbed 15 dollars, firm, put his wallet back to the pocket.... On the way, Napo tried to remember everything that happened that afternoon from the purification to the meeting with Bispo do Rosario... some minutes later, quiet in the back seat : damned, he fooled me again!

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Cassandra: tradutora que trabalha para importante editora especializada em livros de biografia e historia. Ela e' o tipo de pessoa que nao consegue se encaixar numa vida social normal; encontra, muitas vezes, no isolamente, sua fulga, e nos livros seu refugio.

Cassandra: a translator who works for an important publisher specialized in biography and history books. She is the kind of person who cannot fit in a normal social life; she finds, most of the times, in self-confinement,
her scape, and in books, her refuge.

Napo: ex-filho de militar e roteirista de cinema cuja vida foi acabada pelo alcool e drogas. Esta' em constante conflito interno consigo mesmo: perturbado, afetado. Atualmente, vive de pensao do sindicato.

Napo: ex-military-kid and film screenwriter whose life was ruined by alcohol and drugs. He seems to be always in a long-lasting and permanent state of self-conflict. Nowadays, he lives from the Union's financial support.

Garcia: cobrador de onibus e membro ativo do partido comunista. Possui ampla biblioteca particular sobre o tema, tornando-se inclusive referencia partidaria. As vezes, seu fanatismo torna-se tao paradoxo que passa a ser ate' mesmo romantico.

Garcia: bus driver and member of the communist party. He became a political reference in the party due to the large collection of books in his private library. Such a fanatic with paradoxical ideas that sometimes he is called "The Romantic".

Franz: editor de guia artistico-cultural. Participa de projetos pelo mundo afora, geralmente patrocinado por ONG's para atualizar e trocar experiencias. Seu constante desafio e' nao deixar transparecer sua falta de sentimento "nacionalista".