
Cockroaches: die!

Cassandra was in self-confinement. Her favorite solitude night for introspective readings was Saturday because she could concentrate better. She was exactly the kind of person who was always in paradox. She had to feel as someone sailing against the tide. She would not join the ranks and go partying. Nothing better than the combo film + book. The film was called "The Fly" by David Cronenberg and the book "The Metamorphosis" by Franz Kafka. That night was going to be a series of such traumatic and repulsive events that she would never forget it... From the entire film which may have been good or not, the only thing that she remembers is one scene where the main actor is seating at a counter drinking a cup of coffee. But it was not just a single cup of coffee. He needed more than the sugar that already came in it. So, the guy asked for more... But what happened is that the waitress drops some sugar on the guy's arm. But his skin starts to melt! So that was the film. "The metamorphosis" was more intense and remarkable. After one week closed up his room, the concerned mom goes to check if there is something wrong. Well, noboby can be that much in a room with no response. She grabbes an apple and goes to her son's bedroom. She opens the doors, but then... her eyes could not believe in what she was seeing! The back of a giant cockroach?!?!?! Actually, that "thing", insect, was still cracking, as her son was in process of mutation. First reaction, she threw the apple in his back!!!! And there was the fruit for the rest of Cassandra's horrible memories. Nothing could be worse than that, she thought for a while before going to bed. Time to sleep if she could; she was started to walk around the apartment. Then, she went to the living room and found a "Nature" magazine that a friend had forgot the night before. First page: How can a cockroach give you a nightmare? She grabbed the paper and took it to bed. At that night she learned that cockroaches climb up our bodies while we are sleeping until they reach our noses. Not only our beautiful noses, but the "orifices" and eat what they find in it. Hummm, they also like our lips, and that's why we can get herpes. No, enough!!!!!! She closed up the magazine and threw it on the floor! Jumped off her bed, and went to the bathroom. 20 minutes later, after brushing her teeth and washing up her face, she was back in bed. In the middle of the night, she woke up, there was "something" pinching her leg!! Cassandra could never read Kafka again.

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Cassandra: tradutora que trabalha para importante editora especializada em livros de biografia e historia. Ela e' o tipo de pessoa que nao consegue se encaixar numa vida social normal; encontra, muitas vezes, no isolamente, sua fulga, e nos livros seu refugio.

Cassandra: a translator who works for an important publisher specialized in biography and history books. She is the kind of person who cannot fit in a normal social life; she finds, most of the times, in self-confinement,
her scape, and in books, her refuge.

Napo: ex-filho de militar e roteirista de cinema cuja vida foi acabada pelo alcool e drogas. Esta' em constante conflito interno consigo mesmo: perturbado, afetado. Atualmente, vive de pensao do sindicato.

Napo: ex-military-kid and film screenwriter whose life was ruined by alcohol and drugs. He seems to be always in a long-lasting and permanent state of self-conflict. Nowadays, he lives from the Union's financial support.

Garcia: cobrador de onibus e membro ativo do partido comunista. Possui ampla biblioteca particular sobre o tema, tornando-se inclusive referencia partidaria. As vezes, seu fanatismo torna-se tao paradoxo que passa a ser ate' mesmo romantico.

Garcia: bus driver and member of the communist party. He became a political reference in the party due to the large collection of books in his private library. Such a fanatic with paradoxical ideas that sometimes he is called "The Romantic".

Franz: editor de guia artistico-cultural. Participa de projetos pelo mundo afora, geralmente patrocinado por ONG's para atualizar e trocar experiencias. Seu constante desafio e' nao deixar transparecer sua falta de sentimento "nacionalista".