
The recession has come to an end

There are two options to get rid of the current economic recession and get back to a normal life: option A is to pick the common man’s choice and cut all superfluous expenses or option B is to pick one of the greatest economist’s ideas. Actually, option B is not just one but a caldron of experiments which might lead to a deadlock. What would be Keynes’ idea for example? Considering that he was a very pragmatic economist, he would go straight to the point: we have to build up highways, make wars, but somehow make the government spend money and create public employments from nothing! Malthus was more realist, although cruel. In the short-term, he would immediately ask for approval a bill in which a bag of 10 kg of potatoes and 1 kg of coffee a month would be the emergency government food supply for minimum wage workers. Van Gogh painted the famous “Potato Eaters” after the bill was approved! Then, Adam Smith, a bit selfish, joined the group, holding a cup of tea. He came into the room and said: I don’t care about what you said and I think each one has to take care of your own business. That’s it, period! What is good for me is good for everyone, and if everyone thinks like this, things will work out. I would approve a bill in parliament where any person could sell anything on the streets. By doing this, I would be finally abolishing the illegality of an ancient activity and creating taxes. Don’t worry, because at the end, a “invisible hand” is going to take care of everything and self-regulate the market. Karl Marx was on the corner patiently waiting everyone to finish their discourses. At the end, he said everyone was wrong and he was against everything that had ever been said before. The problem was not the recession itself, how everyone would think, but in the system which originated it. Hence the problem comes from a weak and precarious system and it needed to be replaced. Everyone was astonished! The little man lighted his cigar, drank his coffee, and went outside Vanessa’s Dumpling: Do you guys see this “RECESSION PRICE $1.29”? There is no recession price in a “perfect” capitalist system due to the fact that it does not imply recession itself. It might be dumping. However, I don’t think this is what Vanessa is doing at the moment. 1 dollar would be already a reasonable price. So, this 29 cents, considering that we are in New York, is a celebration of the Great Depression of 29, or just a “surplus”!

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Cassandra: tradutora que trabalha para importante editora especializada em livros de biografia e historia. Ela e' o tipo de pessoa que nao consegue se encaixar numa vida social normal; encontra, muitas vezes, no isolamente, sua fulga, e nos livros seu refugio.

Cassandra: a translator who works for an important publisher specialized in biography and history books. She is the kind of person who cannot fit in a normal social life; she finds, most of the times, in self-confinement,
her scape, and in books, her refuge.

Napo: ex-filho de militar e roteirista de cinema cuja vida foi acabada pelo alcool e drogas. Esta' em constante conflito interno consigo mesmo: perturbado, afetado. Atualmente, vive de pensao do sindicato.

Napo: ex-military-kid and film screenwriter whose life was ruined by alcohol and drugs. He seems to be always in a long-lasting and permanent state of self-conflict. Nowadays, he lives from the Union's financial support.

Garcia: cobrador de onibus e membro ativo do partido comunista. Possui ampla biblioteca particular sobre o tema, tornando-se inclusive referencia partidaria. As vezes, seu fanatismo torna-se tao paradoxo que passa a ser ate' mesmo romantico.

Garcia: bus driver and member of the communist party. He became a political reference in the party due to the large collection of books in his private library. Such a fanatic with paradoxical ideas that sometimes he is called "The Romantic".

Franz: editor de guia artistico-cultural. Participa de projetos pelo mundo afora, geralmente patrocinado por ONG's para atualizar e trocar experiencias. Seu constante desafio e' nao deixar transparecer sua falta de sentimento "nacionalista".